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Strategy Tip: Best Performing Re-engagement Email

When your list starts to go stale, opens drop and clicks fade, it’s a good idea to implement a re-engagement campaign for the underperforming segments of your list. (More about those segments here.) But what is the best performing re-engagement email you can use? 

Sadly, there's no magic bullet here. There is no one single, "This is the re-engagement email that works for everyone!" answer. Re-engagement strategy is very specific to your list. My advice is to test, test, test. We test frequently for our clients to try to find the best option for their list.

See what changing the sender address for your email does for a campaign. Try a poll, a quiz or a free download. There are as many great re-engagement emails as there are lists. Build a successful strategy by trying some different tactics to determine what works best with your subscribers. In the end, the only way you're going to know the best performing campaign is by measuring those results.

Ready to get more from your email program? We’re Mailchimp Pro Partners and email experts with more than two decades of email experience. Contact us to find out how we can help.