Best Practices, Best Results





To fulfill their CDC-funded responsibilities, NACDD's Communications Department needed to adopt and maintain industry best practices by ensuring a standardized system for member communications, benefiting both the internal team and consulting partners


Integration of NACDD's email marketing platform with membership software lacked the latest standards, demanding a reconfiguration with new systems. The urgency amplified as the organization faced a national health crisis, necessitating a seamless transition to virtual offices while upgrading critical technologies.


We stepped in to assist NACDD in upgrading their email systems, a lifeline for member communications, and conducted extensive training for remote teams on the new systems. Despite the challenges of transitioning to virtual offices and implementing technology upgrades during a public health crisis, together we ensured that NACDD's email marketing efforts remained a stable and consistent source of external communication.

Systems Integration

Like many nonprofit organizations, NACDD grappled with diverse technologies required to serve their membership. The constant for the Communications Department was their email marketing system. Ensuring seamless integration with other technologies across the organization was vital for effective member communications.

Before implementing any new technology, we emphasized evaluating programs for best practices. Clear policies and procedures were established to align with human-centric principles. The Communications team led efforts to update systems and we integrated their existing software with their critical systems, while creating procedures that supported both the internal team and third-party consultants.

As the organization grew, we collaborated closely with NACDD's internal teams and vendors, ensuring the continued optimal performance of their email marketing program. This encompassed evaluations and updates to integrations, assessments of program performance, establishment of testing protocols, and ongoing support through regular training programs.

Through meticulous software integrations, targeted team training, and strategic design modifications, NACDD successfully established a standardized system for member communications. Our work not only met the immediate challenges but set the foundation for sustained success in their communication endeavors.

Communications During A Health Crisis


Amid the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, NACDD, like many organizations, faced the challenge of relocating to remote offices and adapting communication processes while still serving as a vital resource for their membership, public health professionals. As a CDC-funded nonprofit, the stakes were high in maintaining their role as a vital resource for the very group overwhelmed with a constant stream of vital information. Our priority was to assist them in upgrading crucial email systems and training remote teams to utilize the new systems seamlessly.

And Beyond…


While our work with NACDD started just before the pandemic, it did not end with that crisis. Recognizing the holistic needs of NACDD, we extended our support beyond systems integration. Our expertise in email template design brought a fresh, engaging look to their communications, and we provide ongoing training to their internal team and consultants to ensure that best practices continue to be met. Moreover, we devised effective strategies for re-engaging inactive members, ensuring a vibrant and responsive membership base.

See the Results

View the portfolio sample of design and content created for NACDD’s standardized system for member communications

How We Built It

Collaborating with NACDD, we synchronized information across systems and ensured that data regarding email marketing efforts was available to all third-party technologies. Our support not only maintained stability in their communication efforts but also positioned NACDD to thrive in the evolving landscape of virtual operations and technological advancements.

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